Gestational Diabetic
I am 33week preg, dr wants to start insulin every night as my pre meal abit high. Target supposely 5.5, mine abit high like 5.7. I refuse to start cos i can't jab myself. I don mind people jab me take my blood or operate but not ME INJECTING MYSELF. Yah the needle is short and tiny but so what my hand can't inject myself. Anyone got GDM please share with me about your experient. I will find a way to jab if my blood sugar is around 6.0. I follow their diet and DR say my baby is small this GDM is causing me sad and stress???

Have you tried exercising and letting your body to produce insulin naturally? I did that and my blood sugar from fasting 10.3mmol (during ogtt test) dropped to fasting 5.2-5.6mmol daily. You may Google for 3rd trimester pregnancy cardio on YouTube to do. Just takes 20 mins a day at the comfort of your home. Sweat it out and you'll see the result! I've been doing cardio workout everyday 7 days a week during my pregnancy and even 1 week before I gave birth i was still doing kickboxing! Result is fantastic and gynae told me I don't need insulin. Just continue my strict diet (counting carbs and calories) and exercise! And I really see the difference with exercise even after birth. Throughout my pregnancy I only gained 3-4kg. So which means I'm losing overall weight. Now I'm weighing lesser than pre-pregnancy weight (7 weeks postpartum now). And with the cardio workout (squats etc), I feel more strength and energy while taking care of my newborn. And throughout my whole preg, I only had muscle cramps twice!
Read moreI had GD too. My readings were higher like 7-9. I had to monitor for weeks until I gave birth. Go for walks after your meal.i ate salad without dressing etc.. doc said she doesn't want my reading to go up to 2 digits. So I monitored. Baby was small also but delivered at full term 40 weeks at 2.9kg. The last month baby will really grow. So not to worry if early on baby is small. Just eat healthily and go for walks. I paced up n down my house if I couldn't go out. It helped yo have a faster delivery!
Read moreThank you to give me motivation😊
im like you. i dont mind if theres someone to do it for me but i cant bring myself to do it. but the doctor mentioned they were aggressive when it comes to these things. kept pushing me to take insulin. i said im not prepared they gave me metformin 850g to take 3 times a day. now im stressed up because i might have to consider insulin. worse is im only in my second trimester. i just dont like the pressure.
Read moreyeah i hope by changing bread and walking helps. havent been walking much tbh due to my high risk pregnancy. pray everything will go smoothly.
Huh.. 5.7 on insulin already? Mine’s higher than that, did diet control.. no need insulin leh. You meant the 7-times a day jab issit? That’s not insulin, but just normal blood sugar check
The 7 times i know is the blood glucose test i been doing it 2 times aweek it is because my pre meal is abit high they wanted to start insulin. I refuse and i will decide next week visit.
Hi mommy my pre meals before was 6.0 til 7 thats why im on insulin but ur is 5.7 can have diet control unless ur other readings are high.. Better double check again before u start
Thanks dear
5.7 is not that high to warrant insulin. I had GD then and occasionally above that. Dr was ok. Simply diet control.
That is why, i got feeling they super kiasu and make me stress and i been crying sad worry after today visit. I have refuse and decide next week visit. Anyway thanks for msg i feel much better abit😊
Domestic diva of 2 playful magician