11 wks pregnant

I am 11 weeks pregnant and i have been suffering indigestion only comes to evening till night time. Totally no appetite to eat for dinner, anyone know if this symptom will get away after 1st trimester? :((((((((((((((((((((((((

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I lost my appetite during 1st trimester. 2nd trimester was slightly better. Towards the end of it then my appetite was back to normal. Just drink more water and eat fruits if you don't have much appetite

Try to eat fruits k. I put fruits in my fridge and it's cooling. Because i vomit alot and my nausea was really bad. Am 12 weeks plus and I really hope it will be gone soon. Hugs

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Yes it gets better after the first trimester...Hang in there! Take care(:

Influencer của TAP

yes you will get better during your 2nd trimester. hang it there sister!

Normal for first tri. Ur appetite will be back soon

Thành viên VIP

Yes will be better on the second tri don’t worry

Thành viên VIP

It will get better at the 2nd trimester

It will get better

Influencer của TAP

It will!