Smoking husband
Hi my husband is a heavy smoker, yes we are not going to have kids that soon but I can't stand with the heavy and toxic air cause of his smoking. I tried several times talking about this to him but he turned out moody everytime we talk about it, so I just kept it to myself now. ?

Oh no I know how that feels. My dad is a smoker too and ironically he knows it’s bad for him. Honestly, it’s all up to your Husband whether he is willing to quit smoking, as he himself should know that it is bad for his health and how it’s affect your relationship. I hope he’ll have the heart to quit once you’re pregnant 🙏🏻
Read moreDid you know he is a heavy smoker before marrying him? If yes, two alternatives for you now. One is to accept his smoking and live with it even when your kids are born. Another one is to sit down with him and work on a way for him to Quit smoking. This option will be healthier all around for everyone.
Read moreOtherwise, scare him that NEA can detect if someone caught smoking indoor.
Request for your hubby to smoke outside of the house and other common area designated for smoking. Over time, encourage him to quit smoking for good health. Just got to keep trying
if cant discuss so can you protect yourself like stay far away while he is smoking? if not try to find a place got fresh air to hide then come back when he is finished?
no one can force him to quit unless u wants to quit himself. maybe can try tell him all the negative effect and how it would affect u and ur future baby
Smoking is the cause of many serious diseases, Google it and you will see what I mean. it takes time to quit so you gotta be patient.
I tell my husband no smoking at home. I have asthma and it doesn’t help. Your husband ought to respect your wishes.
He should think less about himself and more about others. His smoking harms you too.
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