getting dad more involved

My hubby spends more time playing & googling on his phone than with our little toddler. How do u get him more involved in care for the lo.

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Sit down with him and have a serious chat. Parenthood is a joint responsibility and not just relegated to moms. Tell him your expectations and work on some action points as to how he can help

Share your thoughts with him and let him know how he can help. Hubbies need specific instructions all the time 😆

I'll talk to him, and tell him what he needs to do. Men needs to be nagged and reminded. Don't expect automatic

Hi, Please have a talk with your husband and explain him how the involvement of both is important for the child

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Hi... you might find this article informative

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First you guys need to talk, address the problem and be totally honest with him. Good luck!

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U ned to talk to him first. List down the concerns. Split responsibility

Split things to do. Like showering , feeding , nap time etc

Super Mom

Tell him about how important he is as a father.