Suggestions to make Daddy more involved?

Hi Dads, do you have any suggestions to make daddies more involved in the LO’s life? My husband is lazy and hands off most of the time leaving everything to me and my helper and as a result my LO has rejected him till now at 18mths. I’m sick of this situation and need helpful suggestions please.

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my bf was like that too. and i cried alot bc too tired. so one day i had enough and put baby right beside him and i slept somewhere else. so once baby cry, he no choice but to wake up and care for baby. ofc he will look for me but ill just ignore and be angry. I did felt sorry that I have to be that mean and left baby to cry for a bit before her daddy know what to do. but now he's more involved as ive started working back. maybr try talking to your husband abt it. if nothing work, actions it is. hehe jiayous mummy.

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