2nd pregnancy baby bump

At how many weeks can start seeing baby bump for 2nd pregnancy? 😊

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Depends on your body size and how much weight you’ve lost for your first pregnancy. I’m plus-size and have not lost much of my first post-pregnancy weight. So I could only see a visible bump after 5 months. I’m now 31 weeks.

ftm here.. I woke up one day at 18weeks to realise that the bump is really obvious! prior to that, it just looks like a bloated belly and could be well hidden in less fitting clothings. :)

I’m a L-XL before pregnancy. FTM. Started seeing baby bump at week 10. But not obvious under clothings. Only at wk 14 that it was more obvious even with clothings on.

Umm my 2nd pregnancy was week 6!!!! hahaha. my 1st pregnancy can only be seen ard 5 mths. 3rd and current pregnancy, seen at week 6

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3y trước

im 9 weeks day 4!! haha. i think i would like to think it's baby bump hehe cz it's hard and i dont feel bloated.

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My 2nd pregnancy bump shows around 3rd month towards the 4th. First one was seen more prominently during 5-6month.

Really depends on individual. My 3rd baby bump only appear on my 6th month of pregnancy 😅

V early can see the bump or maybe was bloated, 8th week could see

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Currently 16 weeks just a very tiny bump for ftm