sensitive to smell

How many of you experience smell sensitive? I'm super sensitive to smell. Especially detol liquid hand wash and shower gel. Some raw meat etc too. How long will this last any idea?

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Mine lasted the entire pregnancy. I couldnt stand shower gel too. I had to change shower gel, and if my hub used the one with strong smell, it makes me nauseous. I couldn't go hawker centre or food court due to this. Perfume, shower gel, food, everything

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I was like a super "police dog", who could smell things from a far enclosed area. It reduced when i reached 3rd trimester. Mine was cigarette smell causing me hyperventilation. Hope you will get better soon!

No, have bad sense of smell before pregnancy, now still the same but have heightened sense of hearing. Can’t sleep at night if windows not fully closed as cars passing by will annoy me.

Was super sensitive to smell during my first trimester, including my own perfume. Eventually got better a little after that.

I was like this! Had really bad smell aversions towards everything... even my own perfume. For me, it lasted my entire pregnancy.

5y trước

I feel you! I know its a horrible feeling. Take care and hope u hv a good pregnancy journey.

Yes especially on 1st tri! Hate the Dettol smell most! But it will get over soon...

Super Mom

Super sensitive to smell during 1st trimester. After that ok already

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I past my whole pregnancy

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it depends