How love blossoms between you and your child

Love between my child and me has blossomed like it would be happening between any mother and child. Your child is the most beautiful thing in your life and for your child, you are the most important person. And there is no moment when you can point out as how and when the love blossoms. Your love for your child starts blossoming perhaps when you come to know that there is a life in your womb. And this love continues to grow throughout your life.
Read moreit blossoms in the most natural way! i remember when i was pregnant the first time, i started talking to my baby way before the first ultrasound! and it was as if my little one was already in my arms. the second one came to me and more than me, it was my elder one who was more excited to play a tiny mommy! love surely has blossomed for us :)
Read morethe first time i became a mom i was really apprehensive about what kind of a mom i would be. of course there was nothing to worry, as the love and the bond happened naturally. when i had my second baby, it became an even stronger bond, one that is still shared between me and both my kids.
It is a natural process and it blossoms with time, withe each passing day. If you are a mother, you would know it as much, but if you are not then also you must have experienced from the point of view of a child that how much you loved your mother and father.