How do I control my kid's anger?

Hello, Personally, I believe that ignore the child when he is angry. If you will give importance to him at that time, he will do it more to seek that attention. Do not talk badly to the child because that will make him more angry and if you will talk badly, remember he is learning that from you. The best policy is to ignore the child and distract him. Just completely ignore his anger and engage him in some activity if possible.
Read morefor my kids, ignoring them when they try to show anger or throw a tantrum is what works best. once they are a little calm, i ask them what made them upset. also, if they try to shout or behave aggressively, i tell them that in order for me to understand what they are saying or what they want me to do, they first have to quieten down and tell me properly.
Read moreHi, You know to control kid's anger the first thing you should do is to control your anger first and be clam and patient in dealing with him. Secondly, ignore the kid when he is angry. Do not talk to him and ignore his behaviour. The more attention you will give him, more tantrums he will throw.