How do you feel when maternity leave is almost over? Happy to be back to work? Or Cant bear to leave lo?

I thought I would be eager to go back to work but after 1 day I became so sad and emotional and was crying on the train 😅. It is really hard. 2 months back at work now, still not easier, I still get emotional sometimes
It's kind of a mixed feeling. Leaving the child for whole day with the helper makes me feel sad and not wanting to go back to work. While going back and starting to work again to enhance my career makes me feel good.
I look forward to go back to work after maternity leave cause I have a good support system; my mum and my in-laws will help to look after my baby 👶
It certainly is one of the toughest times as you really don't want to leave the baby and go to work
Its a mix of both. But its really hard to break away from LO.
If go back, will miss some milestone, so who won’t miss it!
Goin back to work in 2wks time. Cant bear to leave LO ):
Mix of both but it feels bad when i am not with my LO.
A bit sad, not used to it but things will get better(:
Very very sad! So emo!
just me