Hi mummies...is it normal if the baby's poop color is green? Any mummy can advise? My son is gonna be 9 months and today for the 1st time his poop is in green.

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If your baby is on formula milk, did you change your formula milk brand? I remember my baby's poo turns green after switch to Nan HA. I checked with nestle company they mentioned this is normal as HA is for sensitive tummy and baby easier to break down the nutrients in it and thus green poo. If your baby is on breastmilk then it is indicating something is not right. Consistently green stools in the breastfed baby can indicate: -an imbalance of foremilk/hindmilk, often resulting in frothy green stools.a sensitivity to something in the mother’s diet, such as cow’s milk products. -a sign that baby has an illness. Babies with an intestinal virus or even a simple cold will sometimes have green, mucusy stools. -Teething can also bring about green stools due to increased saliva (can also cause tummy upset) -a lot of green vegetables or something with green food coloring in mom’s diet. -if baby has started solids, that could also account for the change in color (this is normal with the change in diet). http://kellymom.com/mother2mother/m2m-green-stools/

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in most cases, it indicates that something needs to be looked into or that something in your baby's diet has changed. if you have been including a lot of green foods in your baby's diet, it could cause the poop to turn green. sometimes, it is also a sign of infection. please visit your baby's doc and get this tested ASAP

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Yes, it is a normal colour. However green poo could be a sign of too much lactose intake. http://www.babycentre.co.uk/a551926/your-babys-poo-whats-normal-and-whats-not

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