Baby Poops color

My LO now is 7mth, he got diarrhoea from last Thursday until Saturday, Sunday already recovered, but Sunday morning I saw his poop color is like clay green color, and these two days his poop also green color, he didn’t eat any green leafy food, is there anything I should take note or when should I bring him to see doctor? He didn’t show discomfort, still active and playful at all time. TIA

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Green poop is normal. My baby's PD said as long as baby's poop is pigmented, it's fine but not white or grey or pale colour. Then need to bring to A&E.

4y trước

Thank you 😊

If your baby is on formula milk, did you change your formula milk brand?

4y trước

No, we didn’t change the FM brand. He’s drinking isomil now as instructed by doctor because he got diarrhoea and only can eat/drink those lactose-free..