Hi mummies, anyone gave birth previously via natural birth without any pain relieve? Please share your experience as I am not planning to use epidural this time round.

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I did not have epidural for both of my deliveries. I used breathing strategies (long breath and short breath management for different type of pain). If you do not wish to have epidural, you need to have a very strong determination and communicate your intention with your husband. For my 1st delivery, my husband kept asking me to take although I insisted not to. For my 2nd delivery, my husband knew my intention and he supported me thoroughly. I am lucky that both of my labor were short (3hours for 1st and 20mins for 2nd). However, if my labor is longer (more than 24 hours), I might opt for epidural. I used laughing gas only. The peak contractions pain actually very similar to the stomachache before diarrhea. After it went off, you will not feel pain and need to be ready for the next wave of contraction. So far, I used breathing strategies to distract myself from the pains as my energy all concentrated in the breathing.

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