Is it safe to have sex during first trimester

Hi, can we have sex as normal and insert fingers or instrument in our vagina???

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My gynae told me it's okay to have sex after 1st trim (not before), but for instrument, better check with your gynae

We having a sex first trim till third trim as normal... But as instruments try to avoid it...

Thành viên VIP

I wasn’t told not to have sex and we did, no issues. However, instruments? 🤔 Better not.

Super Mom

For me , I avoid. You don’t want later get bleeding and then u get paranoid again

Thành viên VIP

Better to check with gynae. But advise don't.

Best to avoid and check with your gynae.

Thành viên VIP

Better to check with your gynae

Thành viên VIP

Best to check with your gynae

Can check with ur gynae.