Sacral dimple

Has any mummies heard of this medical condition, sacral dimple? My lo’s PD recently mentioned this and I am worried sick.

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Super Mom

I think it’s only worrying if it’s associated with some spinal cord issues? But baby would have been born with that, and so if there isn’t any issue, don’t worry so much at this point okay? Your PD didn’t mention any other issues right?

Super Mom

I never heard of it b4. I just Google. Saw the picture. I think my son has it (a small hole above the buttock). But his pd nv mention anything about it b4.

hello Mummy, saw ur question was one yr ago. did ur pd say anything? cause found out i have the same question but donno how. :(

Thành viên VIP

Most sacral dimples do not cause any health issues but you should ask the pediatrician to elaborate

Thành viên VIP

nope... did u pd says anything else about it??

Hey, Haven't heard of this before

Thành viên VIP

My LO have it too

Super Mom
