cc watsapp

Hi all..this happen twice where my boy injured during cc..can I ask for pictures of the injury from the teacher? Which means the teacher liaise with me through watsapp. For now I don't have the teacher contact no.

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Can request for pictures! Used to work as a preschool teacher and I tend to take pictures of the injury too apart from informing the parent of the child, just in case... Teachers don’t usually exchange personal contact number so parents can communicate via the principal’s work hp after hours if need be.

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Thành viên VIP

U can call and ask the principal for photos of the injury.. bt high chance teachers will nt want to share number with parents cos its personal..

5y trước

Will do...cnt tolerate all this..

Thành viên VIP

You may ask the teacher to do so. Pass your contact detail to your child form teacher and liaise with her

Hey, Yes please ask the teacher for the pictures and if not do talk to the principal

Super Mom

Speak to teacher. If unable to reach, escalate to principal

Thành viên VIP

Yes you should !