need some tips ! !
hai. any idea how to make baby a bit bigger and how to overcome low hb ? #20weeks

low hb: eat all 4vitamins that kk gives on empty stomach at least 2hours before breakfast and atleast 4hours before consume any food that has calcium in it eg;milk,horlicks, foods that are rich in,broccoli,chicken liver at least at every meal. bigger baby: ur baby will eventually get bigger if u have a good appetite.some studies shows that consuming too much sugar will make baby big too but that will only leads to health problems for both u and ur baby. i suggest u stick to a healthy diet.
Đọc thêmBefore this my hb is around 10-11, i makan iron tablet from KK. Makan masa perut kosong and jgn minum teh or susu after makan iron tablet tu. I byk makan buah2 mcm apple, tembikai. And minum byk jus buah (make sure yg fresh bukan kordial). Alhamdulillah pergi checkup hb naik to 14.
Hi.... just drink pomegranate juice twice in a week & kerang. It’s help to increase HB very fast. Drink more milk & healthy food. U can drink cow milk to gain baby weight. But I suggest not too as after 30 weeks baby weight will gain faster
Try ambil iberet or obimin. Tapi sebelum tu minta suggestion dr doc dulu. Doc minta utk naikkan berat baby ke awk, better baby normal weight masa mengandung ni, nanti nak bersalin mungkin mudah sikit. 😊
Hai sis.. cuba makan ganilia, dh ada complete vitamin dalam ganilia.. sy makan ganilia dari awal preggy, jarang dapat hb 11 ke bawah .. now 31w alhamdulillah maintain 12 .. cuba ya sis ..
Banyakkan makan sayur hijau, kekacang and ikan bilis. some nurse suggest buat kudap² bilis goreng and kacang tanah. ngap² time santai² but jangan bedal sebalang sekali makan "katanya"😂
sya ada first baby sis . masih bf lagi 😂 n dia eczema pulakkk . tak boleh kekacang ikan bilis n seafood 😅 tu laaa nak cari jalan lain ni
Kalau hb rendah, makan segala vitamin yg kk bagi. Kalau xleh telan boleh minum smom milkbooster. Hb naik cantek, kulit bb pn cantek nt insyaAllah.
Selalu bergantung pada keturunan juga bby besar nie sis 3 kali mengandung bby semua 3 kilo ke atas paling besar 3.69🤣 nasib normalll😆
20 weeks tak perlu fikir mcm mana nk bg baby besar lg heheh. Just mkn mcm biasa. 😍
Cuba mkn maltofer, amalkan jugak extra virgin olive oil dgn pati delima.
Excited to become a mum