Hi GD mother, how is your reading like for 7 pricks a day.

Hi GD mother, how is your reading like for 7 pricks a day? I have been doing it for 7 days and feel upset that my readings are high for breakfast when I'm having rolled oats, cornflakes and low fat milk. Feeling depressed as I received a call from Kkh doctor checking on the result I have submitted. He asked me to monitor further and KIV the medication tablet. How are your readings like?

Hi GD mother, how is your reading like for 7 pricks a day.
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Hi Mummy, my readings are quite similar, but ever since I took the med they gave, Metformin, my sugar levels are more well controlled below 6.6. However I realised that even with metformin, just a little bit of white rice will cause my sugar levels to spike. For me is clearly white rice, cos I ate similar food for two lunches, but one is without rice, the one with rice gave me 7.5 while the other reading without rice was 5.9. So I think u might want to try to and see which particular food is causing you to spike, it might be the cornflakes. If not, can try taking metformin. Hope this helps.

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Eat low Gi food, focus on protein rich ones. Throw in fibre and walk after u eat. I rather u change your low fat milk to full cream. Low fat milk have higher sugar content. Instead of having cornflakes, oat and milk, change to boiled egg with tuna salad. Drink half glass full cream milk, if weight gain is your concern. Then all other meals, drink only plain water. In pregnancy, reduce all processed food, high gluten, salt intake. Eat more real food with spice to make it delicious. All the best Mummy! I am GD too, and this helps to maintain my sugar level throughout the pregnancy.

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How much rolled oats did u take? My reading is around 5.5 after breakfast usually. It’s half a cup of rolled oats , 1 tablespoon of peanut butter (no added sugar type), milk, chai seeds n fresh fruits like strawberry. It works well for me. I don’t walk after breakfast usually cause got to work.. get some fats n proteins in will help with the sugar level. Alternative will be whole meal bread with egg, no sugar peanut butter, avocado etc. Yogurt with nuts work really well for me too. Cornflakes has a lot of added sugar, btw. Can try to avoid

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on my first day, I tried with 8 table spoon then the reading became 8.0 , after that on day 2 I cut to 6 tablespoon , it became 6.7, then I eventually cut to 5 spoon. I thought rolled oats would be a good breakfast option didn't know that 8 tablespoon can spike up to 8.0. Same here, I have no time to go work a walk in the morning due to work. I'm trying to find out different breakfast option that allow the sugar level not to spike even without walking. how is your lunch and dinner reading like ?

Hi mummy! My readings are similar to yours! But my gynae say its good since it drop from 10 to 5.2.. my sugar level will be around 6.1 after lunch. My reading after glucose was 5.2-11.5-10. But now after birth my reading drop to 5. Just make sure u drinking and eating bread that have LOW G.I. Downside, after give birth i have to come back again for glucose test which is after 6 weeks after u discharge. As of now confinement period, i have to really work extra hard to make sure i eat well!

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Tbh i only walk more when im at work. The moment i get my HPL i didnt walk that much. Body gets heavy, getting lazier when its nearer to birth.😂😂😂 but my dietician told me to just have like 15mins walk. Dont push urself much if u cant do more. Dont stress urself up. For breakfast i take quaker oats mix with milk and a glass of either milk or warm water. I do take cornflakes as well! U can also have like subway with wrap bread and egg mayo. And also for GDM i recommend try this Calla Milk which you can get at shopee. Its a malaysian brand that helps to maintain ur sugar level as well! I started drinking that until today and my sugar level maintains! But tbh who can even stand eating too healthy right? Soo like 2 weeks before my edd, i just EAT WHATEVER i want since im going for confinement.😂😂. When baby is out, baby do not have diabetic, and my sugar level drops. The old people say "if u dnt have any diabetic and u get it during pregnancy, its normal.. it will be gone once u give birth"

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hi! my reading is about the same as yours. for breakfast, my reading has been pretty consistent (btwn 5.3-6.0) only lunch ill hv the occasional spike esp when im eating outside. my breakfast has been pretty basic, usually just 2 wholemeal bread with scrambled eggs + cheese bc im not usually a breakfast person. on days i have the appetite, just a wholemeal wrap with plenty of veggies + grilled chicken. i usually have low fat milk for my snacks instead of meals 😊

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I think even if it is good, you still have to watch the quantity.. basically you just have to eat small meals and in between take light snack.

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I feel ur results are fine. For me I felt besides eating the "right stuff", keeping my portions small also helps. So it will just mean that u can't eat the combo of rolled oats, cornflakes and (this particular brand of) low fat milk. I can't take alot brands low fat milk , I had alot of the plain Meiji lactose free milk then. If I feel like drinking chocolate milk I add Herseys powder into the plain milk.

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if the reading continues to spike.. ur gynae might prescribe med to control ur sugar. thats what my gynae did but its all for the good. initially i also feel like everyth cannot eat but its just 3 months of eatinf healthy, u can do it! i prick from 3 days a week to abt 1 or 2 days a week. jy!

I tink you can try having some blueberries n a cup of low fat milk to try. I used to only eat that for breakfast so i dont really spike.. but ur readings seem quite ok actually. Mine was worse previously

Breakfast i normally eat wholemeal bread + egg + cheese + reduced sugar soya milk (half a cup). As adviced by the diabetics staff. And is in good reading.

I stopped eating rice/noodles and the readings were all below 7 if not lesser. Portion size matters as well.