Newborn actions
Hi, FTM here. My Lo 2 months old. Recently his legs been kicking and hand moving alot after feeding (FM). We tried to burp. But nothing. After carried ahwile. He went to sleep. So we put him down. After awhile his leg kicking again. And the hand start to move again. Leg keeps kicking and hand keeps moving signs means anything?

Same ! My baby, 1 month old now is always doing that like he’s uncomfortable or in pain since few days old. I actually asked the paediatrician he said it might be he’s trying to pass motion or pass gas just like us, we’ll sometimes strain ourself. But uptil now i still dont know the cause or solution
Read moreYour LO may have reflux.Probably he felt uncomfortable lying down after feeding and wants to be carried coz of irritation of the stomach. You can try after feeding,sit your LO on your lap for 15 to 30 min.
Do you swaddle your baby…? Infants tend to get scared by any sound in the surrounding hence will move at the slightest sound even during sleep.
Try to coax him by carry in ur arms 45 degree then slowly change to sitting position. I know how is it to feel coz my baby also got this problem.
He will arch his body straighten his legs. Dont want to sit.
Excited to become a mum