Hello frds.. Of late my 6 month old baby girl has started screaming a lot. She needs the sight of a human being all the tym. She would scream loudly the moment I step away from her. Due to this, I m unable to do any household chores except for the tym she's sleeping.. Has anyone experienced this? How do I handle it?

yes, at this age, your baby is experiencing separation anxiety, and she will experience it the most with her primary caregiver, which i am assuming is you. i used to face this all the time with my two babies, and it was difficult even to go to the washroom. most of us moms face this a lot, and sometimes it can get really impossible to step off. i used to place my baby in a rocker. it's the type that looks like a reclining chair and comes with fun attachments that will keep your baby entertained. depending on age, you can make your baby lie down or sit. it also had a vibrating option, where it helped the baby to feel calm and sometimes also drift off to sleep. you can try getting them online from sites such as Amazon and Flipkart. the best part is that they are portable, so you can carry your baby along in the house, wherever you need to be.
Read moreHi, Yes, it is normal. Many babies behave like this when their mother is away from their eyes or they feel that no one is around. I suggest, you can put music for her, this way she will not feel being left alone, and off and on you can call her name in between or sing the same song and dance in front of her while walking around. Or you can also get her sound making rattlers. And best is you can get a carry cot for her, in which you can put her and take the cot wherever you go around the home, and place it in front of you when working. This way, she will see you all the time and would not be cranky at all.
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Same here yaar... I also want to know how to deal with it
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