Lying child
My daughter has started to tell a lot of lies. She is very aware that she is lying and is very convincing. She’s 3.5 years old. What do I do when I catch her lying?

I think you can explain to her that lying means mummy cannot tell which one is real which one is not, and show her consequences of such especially towards things she wants. Catch her out to let her know that you know when she is lying. For eg., if she has been lying about being unwell to get out of a task or finishing her food, then you enforce that she cannot have a sweet or go to play because a sick child has to rest and watch her diet. And if she argues that she is indeed telling the truth, you can stress that you cannot believe her because she has been lying, so you cannot give her what she wants. And that if you cannot trust what she is saying, you cannot discuss with her about what she wants and can or cannot have. If she can lie convincingly, I think she has the smarts to slowly understand what you preach over time.
Read moreEstablish a Household Rule about Telling the Truth. Role Model Honesty. Talk About Telling the Truth Versus Telling a Lie. Distinguish the Reason for the Lie. Give One Warning. Provide an Extra Consequence. Discuss Natural Consequences.
Tell your daughter the story of Pinocchio and explain to her the consequences of lying. Need to be really patient so try not to scold your daughter
Read to hear about the boy who cried wolf. If that doesn’t work, bring her to the police post and have the police man talk to her
3.5 years old is still very young so you can still salvage things. Tell her stories and the consequences of lying etc...
Throw away 1 toy every time she lies. Just stuff it in the garbage dump. That will show her you mean business
Must speak to her firmly and look her in The Eye and tell her police will catch her
Talk to her and tell her the consequences of her every action.
Tell her stories and let her know the consequences of lying
Tell her the dark angels are coming for her...