morning sickness

Hi, this is my first pregnancy and in at 8 weeks now. I know morning sickness is normal and common but at which point should I start worry because I have been running in and out of the toilet the whole day. I can eat but after a few hours I will throw up again. I'm just worried because I have been going on mc for a couple of days since I found out I was pregnant and I dont feel up to it to go to work in this nauseating and vomiting condition.

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Hi, i have mummies who vomit till 3rd trimester. She wasn't given medication but she learnt how to cope with what type of food makes she not puke easily, how much to eat etc. But usually the vomiting will stop after 2nd trimester, or even earlier. You just havebto listen to your body and rest. I know work dont wait, but carry a bb n ur health is more impt.

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