My baby is always crying in his second month as well. I ended up with no choice but to carry him to sleep. I know hes tired but he probably felt unsecured when i leave him on his bed to sleep himself. I know some parents discourage carrying the baby all the time in fear that the baby will get used to it. My baby doesnt not have this problem. Now at 7th mth, he can sleep him own without me carrying him. To me; sleep is very important to a baby and hence i rather face the possibility that he might need us to carry him every sleep than to not sleep at all.
Your baby is still very small and will take a while to have a regular sleep pattern. My LO daughter also had trouble sleeping in general but was diagnosed with sleep disorder. There wasn't really much we could do n we tried everything recommended. Don't worry though, it gets better as they grow older (:
It might be a grow spout period but shouldn’t last more than a week. But as they grow up, the nap time really does get shorter or cut a nap.
Hi... you might find this article informative
Hi, it will gradually be fine and your baby will have a fine sleep cycle.
Don’t worry it’s a phase .. n will go away soon ..
It could be a phase ... will keep changing
Don't worry, it's a phase :)