How to dress 9 month old during winter

Feeling a little stress out on how to dress my 9 month old during our winter hols. How many layers is enough? 1st layer he will be wearing a cotton long sleeve shirt and leggings. 2nd layer knitted pullover and jeans. 3rd layer, winter puffer jacket, socks, boots, hat and mittens. Does he need a thermal or a heatech underneath it all? We will be in london during the christmas week and its our first time experiencing snow and winter as a family. Most days we be outside not indoors. Help a worried mommy out pls.

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Just came back from Japan and my girl was wearing thermal + sweater from H&M + puffy onesie from mangobaby. it’s a little challenging getting her winter clothings as she’s only 5m+. Suggest to get him a thermal wear from winter times. Pullover plus puffy jacket shd be sufficient. Otherwise you may wish to stand by another sweater just in case. Don’t be stress and enjoy ur hols! :)

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suggest replacing heat tech for the cotton first layer

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Thermals work best. But not in Singapore