In need of Energy Boost

Hi Everyone.. I just found out that im pregnant. But all the queasy tummy, nausea, no appetite and vomitting is taking up my energy. Im feeling weak. Is there anything that i can consume to boost up my energy. TIA 1st time mum-to-be

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The best thing for your body now is plenty of sleep and rest! When I have some energy, I would go for a walk and some exercise (as tolerated). That usually makes me more energetic. You will feel better in second trimester!

Eat abit all the time.. Drink water.. Plenty of bed rest... But head out for some sun once in awhile. I was weak too til i dont even want to dress up. Its okay. This too shall pass.

Thành viên VIP

Take brewed ginger water to alleviate the nausea. U can try taking hot Milo or milk to boost up your energy if u have poor appetite for solid food.

During my first trimester, I had no appetite. All i wanted was milo & biscuits/bread. Forced myself to eat small meals.

Thành viên VIP

Try to get honey ginger will make u feel better for nausea symptom.

4y trước

Hi where do i get honey ginger ?

Super Mom

Milo and plain crackers

Take more rest