
Do you eat fruits like apples, grapes, pear and etc with skin on during pregnancy? Is there any concern on the pesticide used even though these fruits have been wash very thoroughly?

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Thành viên VIP

For apple, pear, those easy to peel the skin I will peel. But for grapes those small fruit I will just eat with skin. Make sure wash it clean before eat.

Buy a good brush, to brush the fruits clean before u eat. For grapes do go for triple wash, and dip them in water for 15mins before eat

Removing skin is always better doesn't matter whether you are pregnant or not.

Thành viên VIP

You can soak them first. Removing skin of the fruit is better

Get a brush to brush the fruit... i ate them with skin on

Thành viên VIP

I'll wash first. usually I eat w skin on tho

6y trước

thanks for sharing! Even grapes as well ? Just a little bit concern on the pesticide.

Thành viên VIP

With skin is good, as long u wash it

Super Mom

Yes, I ate them with skin on

Thành viên VIP

I eat with the skin on..

Yes I ate with skin on