Fruit Puree For Baby
Is there a need to steam fruits like apple, pear etc to blend into puree? What the purpose for steam procedure?
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Super Mom
Soften the food yet letting the nutrition be retained. The texture of blending a raw apple and a cooked apple is completely different. You can’t get proper smooth puree by blending a raw apple Cooking it fully helps prevent allergic reactions
Super Mom
Get the 4 in 1 .. it is easier
Thành viên VIP
It just makes sure that it is soft enough and to avoid pollen allergies.
Super Mom
Yes must to steam . Hygiene and prevent allergies.
Thành viên VIP
Kill bacteria, make it softer, release nutrients.
Thành viên VIP
Yes best to steam the fruits first...
Thành viên VIP
Yes, steam or boil then blend
Thành viên VIP
better to steam
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