Cutting nails
Does your baby let you to cut his/ her nails? how do you change his/her attention and cut nails?
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i used to trim LO's nails when he was asleep. But he's a pretty light sleeper so it would sometimes wake him up. I eventually started trimming his nails during his wake time. I'll talk and sing to him to get his attention while I cut his nails.
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i used nail trimmer instead when she's younger. personally felt it was safer cos I'm scared too!
My boy is 2 months now and i cut his nails using a nail clipper when he is asleep
How old is the baby? I trim my baby's nails when she is asleep.
i cut his nails while he is asleep
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I trim it when she’s sleeping...
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Only while she sleeps 😴
I trim when she’s asleep
cut when asleep
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