
Does taking epidural really has it’s risk after birth? Everyone around me told me not to take it since they didn’t take it as well due to the risks (mum & in laws). But i’m scared!!!

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Hi! In my case, I also didn't suffer any of the side effects as warned by others. Only that during delivery, I felt more numbness on the left leg but the anesthesiologist had warned prior the procedure that my spine was slightly curved and that was expectes. I did consult with him about the backpain side effect that everyone warned me about, he attributed to many mommies simply lying down and not moving, due to the many advice of resting during confinement. He joked that it dun mean confine to the bed 😅 So I basically kept myself on my feet all the time! But like the other mommies said, I did have some discomfort in my back, but only because of carrying the LO, rocking him to bed etc. 🤣

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