How do you get over fear of giving birth?
This is not my 1st but i am still scared. Epidural is a no for me due to health reasons. Any tips on how to better manage pain during labour?

Every mummy would feel the same way for every birth journey because you don't know what to expect in labour. May or may not be the way you want it to be. As much as we want it to be smooth, it can also be difficult and nerve wrecking. Esp if we are not dilating fast enough. I took epidural for the first, hopefully this second I dont have to. We just have to trust our mother instinct, be calm at all times, breathing technic must be right and screaming as you push will definitely drain your energy out. If you force your body to push baby out or you are in panic mode, baby will feel the same way and hence, causing all our birth journey fails. Most importantly spouse plays a part to give words of encouragement and helping you as well. All the best to you ❤
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