Normal delivery Stiches

Did anyone stiches drop by itself after 2wks??? Tat's wt doctor say..., Or Will it disolve by itself???

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Stitches usually dissolve by itself nowadays. Depends on what kind of stitches the doctor has given you.

Yes dissolve on its own, high tech now. If need to remove stitches, i'll faint... whahahah

Thành viên VIP

mine dissolved in 2 weeks and i was all up and running :)

Normally the stitches dissolve by itself

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Stitches will dissolve on its own

Thành viên VIP

It will disappear by itself.

Super Mom

Mine dissolved on its own...

Thành viên VIP

It dissolve on its own

Thành viên VIP

Mine dissolve itself

Thành viên VIP

Hi... it will dissolve

6y trước

I see..., cn i feel it?.., i thought it will drop at the kotex pad..,