Collecting colostrum
Did anyone buy syringes and collect colostrum before birth or after birth? I am wondering on how to do it or if there is a need to. Thank you.

I tried while on wk 38 or so, but it's much more difficult than it sounds. Spent a good 20min just squeezing until pain and I didn't even get 1ml. Ended up keeping all my syringes and used them only after baby was born, when I had produced more colostrum
There is no need to collecting colostrum before birth. After birth, the hospital will assist breastfeeding and provide syringes if needed. If you have leak can use milk collector. Pumping milk during pregnancy only if you want to try to stimulate labour.
Don’t collect before birth as it may trigger labour. After birth, hospital will provide syringes to collect colostrum. But if you really want to be prepared, can take a look at “Hakkaa colostrum collector”.
Before birth there is no need to. After birth you can collect since baby will be syringe fed.
after birth can. can use the cheap syringe from pharmacy or ask nurse from ward
hospital provides syringes if you need them
there's not a need to 💕