57 Replies

Super Mum

He was really happy, and although they were OUR babies, it’s quite funny that the first thing he said both times was, “Congratulations!” 😂

That’s lovely ❤️

We used 3 test kits of different brand. Then... He got shocked and lost throughout... Took him 2 mths to accept the existence of the child.

At first ask me abort Secondly slowly he do appreciate it Third can't wait for arrival as he totally change laotz getting more loving...

Hey you mean 3rd child then hes better or it got better over time? Mine too no reaction and doesnt seem overjoyed macam his life going to be restrained like that ,not that he said it but didnt expect the reaction that I got.

1st one super happy coz was planned. 2nd one, shocked but almost got "killed" by me... coz I dont wan to have another one anymore


He asked me "how come?!" 😂 Well at least after the several waves of shock he was happy and said we made it 🥰

He shows no reaction. We wasn’t anywhere near ready and the time i told him we were gg to work .

took a photo of positive test kit then he called & asked me what is that 🤦🏼‍♀️

Super Mum

Happy cos we have been waiting for long and we bought our first baby poster immediately :)

VIP Member

Yea.. he continue sleeping..hahaha.. he is man of less words and emotions..

VIP Member

Excited at the same time cautious. We were waited for that moment for so long

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