10 Replies
Im in week 40 too, edd is supposed to be yesterday but baby is still comfortable in the tummy.. told my gynae i do not want to be induced and im given extra 10days, hopefully baby agrees to come out this few days.. Just relax and try to walk and talk to baby... best is not to force baby to come out, when it's time, baby will give the signal to you...
its okay! most mothers give birth after week 40 too. you probably have weekly check up w your gynae so she will probably know what to do
I think after week 40 inducing labour is recommended but your gynae will know what's best , take care!!
40+1.. discuss with your gynae the options available and decide from there
Many mummies give birth after 40 weeks. Relax 😊 don't stress out.
Consult your gynae for better instructions
Your gynae will know best.
Talk to baby!
Btr c e doc
Dont worry.