Should I be walking more?
Currently at 39+2 and only 1cm dilated. I’m walking about 3-5km everyday now and no discomfort whatsoever while walking. Is this enough or should I be walking more? How many km do you guys typically walk ?

Hi Regina, May I suggest relaxing as well? While walking helps baby to come down with the use of gravity, relaxing helps muscles to be less tense and for you to ‘open’. Are you experiencing contractions? Breathe through them and visualise your body opening. Rest is also equally important. Remember, labour isn’t a race, it’s a marathon. You have to pace yourself so that you have enough energy and strength to bring baby into the world too. If your body tells you to sleep or rest, listen to it and follow your instincts. You’re doing an amazing job! Trust the process - remember, your body was wonderfully made to birth :)
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Certified birth doula, full-time working wife to a supportive husband & mama of 3