
21 weeks pregnant, just wondering if I’m able to go hiking at tree top walk? Just normal walking and exercising should be fine right?

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hi! my husband is the outdoorsy, nature-trail type so during my pregnancy we went hiking lots 👍 good exercise and keeps blood sugar in check. but you may want to check if tree top walk is open? last I heard it has been closed since Aug 2020 for maintenance till next year May?

Super Mom

Hey Claire, as long as doctor says it’s ok and you’re having a healthy and normal pregnancy, exercise and keeping active during pregnancy is great for baby and you!

Super Mom

Yes, taking walks is good! You know your own body, just dont tire yourself out. Keep hydrated and take more breaks if needed.

5y trước

Okay, thank you!

Ask your doctor first, it depends on your baby position. If the position is low, then you should stay home.

Thành viên VIP

as l9ng as u feeling fine.. i dont thin there is any issue.

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normal walking is fine but please be careful

Yes!! Just be more cautious