Confinement nanny

Confinement nannies need to run errands for us like going to the supermarkets to buy fresh ingredients for cooking etc. Did you give her some money or credit card for shopping? Or pay her back when she comes back?

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No. My hubby accompanied the confinement nanny to the wet market or provision shop to buy ingredients for cooking. Food at wet market is fresher and no receipt can be given so it’s better for someone u know to accompany her to buy the cooking ingredients. :)

Thành viên VIP

Better for a family member to accompany the nanny to do the marketing, anyway extra hands are always good!

Thanks mummies! But my husband always works late and not sure if he can go marketing with her though.

Thành viên VIP

Hi... I will give her some money and she will return the change together with receipts.

How many times a nanny go out for buy stuffs a week? Not every day right?

My hubby bought the ingredients that the nanny needs instead.