Overpaid Confinement Nanny

Help! I have overpaid my confinement nanny on her last day of work. Forgotten I had paid deposit to her 6mths ago. She has yet to respond after a day. Any idea what should I do if she decided not to pay back?

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Coba pakai produknya mama's choice bun. https://shope.ee/9KLw1ZdiEL . Produknya sudah sesuai anjuran IDAI dan FDA, 100% aman. Bisa cek langsung di tokonya >> https://shope.ee/9KLw1ZdiEL , lagi ada free gift barang seharga 87.000 dan voucher diskon 100.000 bun. 5241790

Is she a free lanced nanny or from agency? Agency nanny might be easier to get back the money as you can contact the agent. Do you have a screenshot of the deposit made to her? If yes, you can consider making a police report.

2t trước

freelance.. she has yet to reply..