PM Lee Circuit Breaker update at 5pm

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PM Lee Circuit Breaker update at 5pm
38 Replies
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Hope will settle down after this extension. I just worried about my baby preparation.

Wondering if daddies still can accompany us to gynae trips :(

It is was certainly a shock, but hopefully it will eradicate the numbers soon

Influencer của TAP

Ok, need to get my sanity in place with the kids staying home till 1st june.

Super Mom

If cake shop closed, not sure whether can order birthday cake in may?

As long as people keep flouting the rules, this will continue

I think thats the only way we can bring down the numbers

Super Mom

I just want everyone to cooperate so we can get past this

Thành viên VIP

i think its for the best but i hope it will end very fast

Super Mom

Ok confirmed. No haircut, no bubble tea by tonight .....