jialat MIL FIL thinks they will be staying tgt in new bto flat

Our BTO flat will be ready in about 3 years time, currently staying with my in laws and I can't take it alr. I need space, privacy even... Was looking forward to the new life without in laws, just my husband and my kids... then i overheard my in laws saying "next time 5 room flat (our new house) must make space for this". 😭🤦🏻‍♀️ Oh noooo what should I do! thought can finally get my freedom, so they wont intefere with our style of taking care of the kids... 😪 I dont want to be the evil DIL dw in laws to stay... 😭 HELP.

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To be very honest some MIL is just like wtf people married already got thier own house but still MIL want to stay with her son/daughter is like there is no freedom no husband and wife privacy but other some MIL they will just stay at thier own house then when the son is married and move out the mother wont even follow so best is to tell you husband what you really want to discuss the things out

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3y trước

yupp.. my MIL is the 1st kind. not sure if its becuz my husband is the only child... haix... so uncomfortable somemore with my FIL around. Cant wear "comfortably" if you know what I mean. MIL can wear "comfortably" with raisins sticking out, but i chose to wear padded cuz FIL around.... then somemore i breastfeeding, when its time to BF, I have to go to the room or cover with a nursing cover in a hot day.. 😪when i just wanna feed and watch tv chill alil while... 😭