Baby with Preauricular Pits on the Ear have Discharge coming out.
Hi, my 7 months old baby have pits on both ears. As I was feeding him milk, i realised his left side of the pit was dirty, so I attempted to clean. As I lightly touch it, there was some yellowish discharge like pus coming out (like the picture attached). I continued to lightly press the surrounding area attempting to squeeze out all the discharge. Am worried what I should do, if I need to see a doctor for it. It doesn't look swollen or red, just so happen as I wanted to clean his ear and there was discharge coming out and I am worried. Mummies with similar experience pls advice. Thank you in advance! #preauricularpits #earpits #advice
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Help! How to distract your toddler while needing to get things done.
Have a 3yo boy, whos very active and always disturbing us when we are trying to get houswork done. Instead of too much screen time, is there way to make him play or learn by himself with minimal supervision. Hes having a flu now, didnt go to school for a week. I wanna pull my hair alr. Taking care of my 5months old baby at the same time. #pleasehelp #advicepls
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