17 Replies

Most guidelines advise that caffeine intake no more than 200mg a day is safe. So if you drink only a cup a day, it should be fine! Paracetamol itself is safe too.

Panadol even infant panadol also has its SP & AR (special precaution & adverse reaction) see those highlighted. Coffee is ok but limit to 1 per day

Also FDA pregnancy category need to be A and B only. Anything else is a no go.


Best is to stay away from Coffee as it contains caffeine, not good for the baby. As for Panadol, please check with your ob-gynae to be sure

Yup u may still drink coffee, limited to one cup a day. However, best is to avoid it. As for panadol, think just the regular one is fine.

Super Mum

Not Panadol extra. Normal panadol is ok. But in moderation. Coffee also try to limit to one cup a day, not too strong or too much.

Super Mum

Just normal Panadol. Coffee limit to 2 cups per week if possible cos of the caffeine content.

I think only normal Panadol. Not those extra kind. Tts is the advise given by GP.

I try to avoid panadol even though gynae says it okay for the normal kind

VIP Member

Only able to take max 1 cup of caffeined drinks per day. Jiayou Mummy!

VIP Member

No panadol extra though...Best to check with your gynae

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