
As the baby is get harder to release. Depsite.. I drank alot of water, eat fruits and vegetables everyday. Is there any immediate remedies?

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Hey, Have lots of water and juice. Milk should also help you. Try avoiding chillies and very spicy food

5y trước

Oh noz.. Chillies is my "rice" hahahaha I heard from my mom too.. I tot is her myth logic... Haha

Super Mom

You can get lactulose syrup at any guardian, prune or prune juice also helps

I did everything too. I go every after 3 days! Coffee works wonder for me :)

5y trước

1 cup a day is fine :) if you worried and using instant coffee, you can minimize or cut down into half and dilute with water. But ya, 1 cup a day is fine :)

Thành viên VIP

Drink plenty of water. & I tend to avoid oily food/chilli.

5y trước

Hmm.. Seem like need reflect on my diet discipline ><

Thành viên VIP

It is available in pharmacy and supermarket.

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Concentrated prune juice or the blue Yakult

Thành viên VIP

Try Yakult, broccoli or consult your gynae

Walking alot after meals actually helps me poop

5y trước

Can't be lazy anymore. Will try 😉😊

lactulose. can ask gynae or gp for it

Thành viên VIP

Take fibogel and plenty of water.

5y trước

No. You can buy it from supermarket.