Healthy food
Hi! Sorry for posting alot of questions. I am unable to drink milk, eat vegetables or even fruits. I will vomit or the sight of it just makes me nausea. Any advise? I am worried about my baby. I am taking folic acid and multivitamins every morning. Will this affect my baby?

Hi Nathira. When you have a bad nausea you can't eat anything that has 'taste or flavour' in it. The only foods you can eat are the plain ones like plain biscuits/crackers, plain porridges, plain bread, peanuts also does help. Try to drink hot Milo or 100 plus (non-gas). This phase is normal in the 1st trimester and will usually subside by the 2nd tri depending on individuals. Try not to go on an empty stomach. That makes you more nauseous. Other alternative is get yourself an anti sea-sick band which you can get at Watson/Guardian. Helps to curb the nausea. Baby is still tiny so it won't be affected. Just make sure to take your folic acid daily.
Read moreRem to drink 100 Plus. To keep urself hydrated.. my appetite went very bad during 1st trim.. so I only manage to survive on crackers.. have a small box beside ur bed n eat them when u wake up. Take 2 pcs.. then u can slowly take fruits like apple pear strawberries kiwi rock melon. Helps a lot.. if appetite improve take more protein food n less carbo. Oh ya. Take soy milk.. but if u feel bloated after soy milk reduce the amount. Soy milk is healthy.
Read moreI lost my appetite completely in my first trimester. My gynae told me to eat folic acid and whatever i could. I ate drier food like crackers and drink milo to keep my stomach. For you, no issue if it’s just milk, veg/fruit. U can eat other things or whatever u can. The baby is very tiny and will get whatever nutrients from your body.
Read moreHmm I was like that during my first trimester so my gynae said just eat whatever I could. For me, I couldn’t even drink plain water so I ate cup noodles and chocolates because that’s the only stuffs I felt like eating. Don’t worry too much. Your appetite will come back.
U can try by replacing milk with soyabean milk in moderation n less sweetened or sugarfree. Slwly ur appetite will get beta in e later stage. cz nw ur body is goin thru a hormonal change so it takes tym 4 ur body to adjust too
I am like that during first trimester I totally lost of appetite and lost 5kg. but 2nd trimester onwards I start to eat alot I gain 22kg for my pregnancy
Hi Mum, Please try having plain crackers as they do not have smell or flavour which will not make you nauseated
how about dryer stuffs? like multi grain biscuits , granolas bar etc? biscuits can help in the nausea part..