Swaddle up NB
My baby is 1 week old and doesn’t like to be swaddle. Is it ok?

Yes, ok. Some babies don’t like to be swaddled. It can be also cos of our climate is very warm so it becomes very uncomfortable to be swaddled as baby will be sweating like crazy and lead to heat rash.
It is up to you. My boy also dislikes being swaddled when he was a nb, but i still swaddled him anyway, cus i find that he sleeps better when swaddled and startled less.
Yes! Same goes to my baby! She will fuss and cry if we swaddle her! Just make sure you wear enough for your baby and that should be fine!
Yeah. When my LO is 1 week old, doesn't like to swaddle. Wiggle wiggle and wiggle until her arms came out then can sleep better.
it’s fine but it’s better to swaddle due to the startle reflex. Is your baby too warm? Maybe can try other swaddles?
Its okay! My babygirl also doesn’t like to be swaddled. I usually let her free until before she falls asleep 🤣
its okay! my nb also dont like but i swaddle her anyways bc i realised she startled alot in her sleep.
Hi, Yes it is okay but you can still continue swaddling and baby might get used to it
Its fine if your baby is happy without swaddling(:.
Yes .. I never done swaddle as well to my lo