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Avocados are the BEST first foods for your baby! Read now to know why 🥑 https://sg.theasianparent.com/new-study-avocados-are-the-best-first-food-for-babies What was your baby's first food?

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18 Replies
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Super Mom

Still liked my apple sauce puree. Haha. A lot easier for baby to take than the mashed avocado that I fed her later on.

Never eat it before. I wonder how it taste like

Influencer của TAP

I always make avocado cereal for baby.

Yes! My bb first puree is avocado :)

Thành viên VIP

Wah..thanks..i’ll try

Influencer của TAP

Yums. I love them too.

Thành viên VIP

Never tried it

Thành viên VIP

Great info👍

Influencer của TAP


mmm agreed!