Anyone knows where I could get a affordable post natal malay massage? My edd is at the end of Aug Any recommendations and feedback? Please list the price and contact number/details as well. Thank you so much #1stimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp #advicepls #pregnancy

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Super Mom

Cik Ru append below our Healing Bodywork Singapore's Post Natal Care Package for your kind attention:- 7 Days @ $680- 10 Days @ $930- 14 Days @ $1260- Transportation: Additional $100 The packages includes; Bertungku(hot stone for 5 days). Body Massage. Abdomen Binding, (free bengkung stagen, a 10 metre cloth to strengthen n support your back n abdomen area.) Tapel & Pilis...(external use for abdomen & forehead). Param..if required (external use on body). For 7 Days comes with Rawatan Bertasak only (Traditional Drink). For 10 Days package comes with:- - 1 Free Baby Massage. - Traditional Drink (Bertasak). For 14 Days comes with:- - 2 times Free Baby Massage. - Traditional Drink (Bertasak). - 1 time Rawatan Bertangas(vagina/body steaming) NB:- Herbal Bath, Lulur(Body Scrub) and Bertangas(like a meant good for vagina n inner body healing) can be arranged additional if required. A baby bath and massage services can also be arranged at an additional charge of $40 per session subject to this must be done during mom's post natal session/package. Trust the abv is acceptable to u & do let me know if you require any further clarification/assistance. Tks & Warmest Regards, Rukilah Dasuki Healing Bodywork Singapore. Bis Reg No. 53233976B

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Super Mom

Another one which includes folded massage bed, thermal blanket, and vaginal spa treatment stool

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Super Mom

look for Wati 90787242, $65/session ~1hr

contact cik idah @97847632

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