Lonely mummy

Anyone feeling all alone in their marriage? Why? I would like to hear your story. I'm feeling lonely all the time because my Husband is busy making money and don't have time for me and my LO. Other than his work, he's quite addicted to the siam dius and pub with waitresses. And it's almost every night go drink. Coming home time is 3-6am in the morning! It's been affecting our lifestyle. So I'm all alone with my LO most of the time, all the time. I don't have a job and don't know where should I put my focus on. We quarrelled a lot because of this and creating a lot of tension. I don't see him more than 30mins a day. I also don't know where is this leading to?

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My husband was assigned overseas for work for a year. At the start, we would still have frequent video calls to stay connected. But as times goes by, the calls have become like a routine and the content of our chats have become repetitive statements to ask each other to stay healthy and safe. But now, with both our work getting busier, and different timezone, we reduced to regular texting instead. And now, his assignment got extended for another year. I feel like we are getting apart slowly and my boy is also missing his Daddy asking when he will be back. I am not sure how long am I able to keep this up.

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