Anybody who gave birth early 2016 and now pregnant again? How do you handle the situation?

I gave birth in dec 2015, got pregnant again in apr 16. Nw 33 wks, due in jan 2017. #1 would hv just turned 1 by due date. Announced it to the family only after we confirmed with a scan but got negative reactions. But believing that its God's gift, we are detemined to keep positive and get thru it. Its nt gonna be easy to break the news to employers also cos its all too fast. I personally find this pregnancy easier to go thru even with a baby to care for and i am less tired. I still bf until the supply dried up too and its all fine. The only downside that u dnt get much support frm the surrounding. And its gonna be hard for u to handle being pregnant with an infant to care for but your husband should help ease that. There's alot of positivity if u believe its gd for you. If u think u can, u will. 😊
Read moreIf it was me, ill definetly freak out. That would be my first reaction, with my second born 3 years apart i already freaked out. Then again, all sorts of worry and anxiety will surface. With that said after you ride the storm, calm down and take it with pride. Its either you do it or dont do it, not much of a choice. Ill choose the do it method and take it with pride and enjoy it rather then frown about it. Makes my days and everyones days better. When baby comes, one day at a time.
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