Having braxton hicks means early delivery?

Any mummy experience braxton hicks and gave birth early? How early did u gave birth? At how many weeks? Im having braxton hicks very often now and just feel like lying on bed all day. Edd is only end oct. #pleasehelp

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Very normal & it's not too early to experience that! Some might start to feel braxton hicks when they've entered their 2nd trimester, some on the 3rd trimester. It shouldn't feel too painful but just an uncomfortable feeling which comes and goes a few seconds. Try to change your position OR you could be dehydrated so try to drink and see if it goes away. It's not an indication whether you'll give birth early or not. It's just your body preparing you for labour. UNLESS you feel pain, it's too frequent then better call up the hospital to let them know and heed their advice before going down there. -Mama of 5-

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I’m not sure if having braxton hicks means i might be delivering soon but I’m currently at 37weeks and only started to feel it these few days, 2/3times per day. I still have like 20days to pop based ob my edd. My mom said is normal to feel it and is the way our body preparing for labour. Her experience was that she had these early but only popped me out at 40wks 5days.

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Hi, how does braxton hicks feels like to your experience? I am not sure if i’ve gotten braxton hicks yet now in my 34weeks 3days. I am just curious. First time mummy here at my 3rd tri edd 11 oct and still curious.

4y trước

Hi my edd is 9 oct! braxton hicks feels like tightening at ur tummy area, sometime u feel the push pressure down there... i got braxton hick almost everyday.. usually comes and goes...

I experience it in 2nd and 3rd trimester. was induced at 39+5 my friend experience it numerous times a week in 3rd trimester. she had a planned c sect at 38 week

Normal... I think. Cannot really predict lah... I gave birth at 37 and 36 weeks. Currently pregnant with #3. Also having Braxton Hicks and I'm only 28 weeks now.

I had it when I was warded last week. Doctor checked and it was irregular. 32 weeks but it wasn't painful. Just a bit crampy and uncomfortable.

same here! we have the same edd and I’m having it now.. every time I eat or drink, i feel the tightening in my tummy. huhu

That’s quite early to be experiencing BH. I am week 38 and yet to experience.

Braxton hick is normal. it doesn't mean early delivery